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Kristine Daizy: Healing Arts Practitioner, Community Leader and Innovative Intuitive

Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses the mind, body and spirit. As an experienced Healing Arts Practitioner in the San Francisco Bay Area, I integrate a range of therapies to prevent and treat disease and promote optimal health. I also support you finding your most authentic expression of you by addressing the trauma and mechanisms that prevent that truest expression.

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray."


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I've been on my own healing journey my whole life, but not until the catalyst of living a very unfulfilling life, devoid of purpose brought me to the path of becoming a healer and Reiki Master. I have been actively practicing Reiki since 2018, however I have been energy healing intuitively my whole life. As a certified yoga teacher since 2014 and a teacher since 2000, I have always found value in being of service to my community. I have combined my gifts and what I have learned along my own path, as its own perfect combination to guide others to the path of Freedom and Choice that makes us remember that we are Alive and here to live a life beyond what we were always taught. A life that empowers our own healing in order for us to become the most Divinely lead version of ourselves we are destined to be.

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Words really cannot do justice to describe what a gifted healer Daizy is. I have been seeing her for over a year for crystal reiki healing, tarot readings, and just general emotional/spiritual counseling and she has helped me so much. The work I’ve been doing with Daizy has gently and beautifully awakened my heart, soul, and mind to a journey within of reconnecting, forgiving, loving, and embracing all that I am and all that I am connected to. In this current age of social distancing, we have been doing distance healing work which has been immensely beneficial during chaotic and constantly changing times. I have found that sometimes there are spaces and places that reside in us that words can’t access and quite frankly sometimes the pain, or fear, or anxiety is so great that there are no words. Her reiki has helped bring emotions lodged in my body to the surface to be felt, worked through and healed. I have walked into a session feeling such deep darkness and heaviness and after a reiki session felt so much more clarity, lightness and direction about how to move forward. Her tarot readings have been in total alignment with what was happening in my life, giving me more confirmation of direction. She is truly a gift to this world with a purpose to serve and heal humanity.

Kristina C.

I met Daizy at the library, pre pandemic- where she was teaching yoga for kids- and i think i ended up learning more from her than my toddler did  I then “ran into her” at a local event where she was doing Tarot readings. I was always intrigued by tarot so i went for it- and it was just as magical as i hoped it would be! As soon as we were done, i booked a reiki session and the rest is literal history! I’ve been seeing her now, regularly, for over 4 years. I met Daizy at the perfect time in my life to receive the healing that she is so beautifully willing to offer. I can say that my life, spirit and gifts have deepened into a richness that i wasn’t nearly prepared for but am so so so grateful to continue to experience, grow & cultivate! I would highly recommend Daizy- she is an amazing practitioner (and friend)

Elizabeth S.

As a client of Daizy’s for years, I can tell you she is a powerful  healer, a remarkable  intuitive, and an amazingly bright light in this world. I’ve often described her as “if a hug were a person.” After a session I feel deeply peaceful and full of renewed purpose. I am so lucky to have found her!

Melissa W.




60 Minute Distance Cosmic Reiki

A hour long Cosmic Reiki session, which includes Chakra balancing, intuitive healing, messages from your guides, toning, mantras and Theta Healing. In addition to the session recommendations to continue your healing after the session may be given.


3 Cards Intuitive Tarot Reading

A 15 minute video call, 3 Tarot Cards will be pulled and messages channeled for your specific energy, in the most pertinent for your present timeline. All readings are a type of spiritual counseling where Reiki is happening in addition to the clarity of the cards.


10 Card Intuitive Tarot Reading

A 45 minute video call, 10 Tarot Cards will be pulled and messages channeled for your specific energy, in the most pertinent for your present timeline. All readings are a type of spiritual counseling where Reiki is happening in addition to the clarity of the cards.




90 Minute Distance Cosmic Reiki

A hour long Cosmic Reiki session, which includes Chakra balancing, intuitive healing, messages from your guides, toning, mantras and Theta Healing. In addition to the session recommendations to continue your healing after the session may be given.


Theta Talk Therapy

 60 minute remote or in person talk therapy session. We utilize Theta healing to identify limiting beliefs in order to reframe old thought patterns and find freedom and liberation from the overthinking/analytical mind. Theta is one of your brain wave state utilized in hypnotherapy. Theta is beneficial to remove energetic and cognitive blocks to manifest a life of limitless potential. 


New Year Ahead: Intuitive Tarot Reading

A 60 minute video call, 12 Tarot Cards will be pulled and messages channeled for your specific energy, in the most pertinent for your present timeline. All readings are a type of spiritual counseling where Reiki is happening in addition to the clarity of the cards. This specific card spread offers intuitive insight into each month in the year ahead, wonderful for the beginning of a new year or a birthday.

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Book Wednesday and Friday through the Calendly app above

Saturdays at Creative Healing Center Book through Mindbody App

Contact me if you need any help at:


To be in my integrity and sovereignty in order to be the wayshower for others to find their own power, grace and freedom. To empower others to recognize they are the person they have been waiting for their whole life, their own savior, teacher and lover. When we realize that we love ourselves we find our wholeness and that is a gift far beyond any material possession could offer.

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